I am running strong and enjoying every minute of it.
This happens every time after a big race where I met or exceeded my goal. I come out of the race excited about running and looking forward to run. I make big plans for future races. My pace picks up. I feel strong and like I have actually gotten better at this whole running thing.
However, this feeling never lasts that long and I am back to my frustratingly slow pace that just won’t seem to improve. Yes, my race times continue to improve but my everyday runs just won’t pick up, in the end.
I am savoring these next few weeks of stronger, faster running. I am hoping but not really expecting this feeling to last.
Like always, I have full calendar of races ahead of me – a open water swim this weekend, my first tri next weekend, a trail half marathon at the beginning of September and a fun 5K with friends and family at the end of September. Also, I’ve signed up for my next goal race…
Stone Mill 50 Miler on November 19th.
I am nervous about stepping up to the next distance but after such strong races at the Mad Marathon and Endless Summer I am also confident that I can meet this challenge. My plan is to keep my running during the week steady 4-6 milers before work but also start doing more treadmill workouts – hills, intervals, mostly walking but some running thrown in – during my lunch hour workouts in the gym. Also, I hope to take advantage of my new working schedule, where I have every other Friday off work and get in some back-to-back runs (15 miles on Friday and then 20 on Saturday, for example). I’ll also do some single runs in the 25 to 30 mile range. Finally, once the weather cools off in September and October, I hope to also get in some longer hikes on the Sundays following my long runs.
The next few months will be all about time on my feet by whatever means necessary.
Daily Dozen:
4.5 miles run – fartlek
Strength Training & Walking @ lunch hour
30 minutes swim after work