Friday, August 28, 2009

(Weird) Week in Review

It has been a weird week of running. On days I felt sluggish and tired, my pace was actually on target; however, on the days I felt like nothing could stop me and I’m flying down the bike path, I look at my average pace at the end and it is slooooow.

Here’s my week:

Sunday (evening): 8 mile long run slog-fest in the heat and humidity, pleased to see a 10:40 average pace

Monday – 4.3 miles easy without effort, I felt like I was running marathon pace, turns out I was running 11:05 average!

Tuesday – 6.7 miles of hills, good run that was intentionally run hard 10:38 average pace

Wednesday – 3 miles on the treadmill at lunch, tired but running fast felt good – 10:23 average (but I had to slow myself down at the end, it was supposed to be an easy run after all)

Thursday – 5 miles that felt tremendous, I was in the zone…in a 10:59 pace zone!

Friday – 7.1 miles run to work, tired, struggled a bit and my legs muscles were sore due to strength training yesterday but managed a 10:43 pace

To be honest, I don’t care that the days I felt like everything was perfect end up being 11 minute pace days because they seriously were great runs. I don’t tend to look at my mile splits while I’m running and so regardless of my pace, Monday and Thursday were almost too good to be true. I was sad to see them end. These are the runs that make me relish being a runner. Does it matter what my pace is after such a run? Of course not.

I will admit to an initial disappointment but then I got over myself (and my pace). If a run felt great it doesn’t matter the pace.

However, I do think this is an indication that I might need to back off a little bit because I might be getting in to over-training (read: injury) territory. I am thinking about either cutting back my long run (just an hour) or skipping it all together and coming back fresh on Monday.

Run smart, run for life!

Daily Dozen:
7.1 miles run to work

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