Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Love Fall

I know Fall technically started last week but the weather didn't get the notice until today.

Last week, I was still coming home from my morning runs and thinking how deceptively humid it was outside. I would read 65 degrees on the thermometer but once I started running I would realize that little needle had no concept of humidity.

This morning I headed out into a chill, 50 degrees and wonderfully crisp. Somehow the chill in the air made the morning seem brighter and clearer even thought the sun was still an hour and a half from rising.

I couldn't help but have a good run. I headed out for my hilly route and attacked each hill. Sometimes the attacks were focused efforts - eyes on the top, arms pumping back and forth like pistons, legs pounding up the hill relentlessly. Other times, I would relax in to hill, strong and tough but still gliding effortlessly. I would get to the top of the hill and breeze over it, sometimes not even realizing it was over. Still, other hills I attacked ferociously, just digging in with maxing effort, eating it up and spitting it out raw!

It felt good. It was over too quickly. I wanted more but still felt satisfied.

Mmmm - I love Fall.

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