Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Go to your Happy Pace

“Just run at your happy pace. Find your happy pace. Don’t worry about pushing the pace or slowing down, just run. Just run.”

That is what I was telling myself on my run this morning…and it felt great. I am so in love with running right now, it is amazing. I almost don’t want to go on and on about how wonderful running has been for me because I don’t want to jinx anything (but it beats having to go on and on about injuries and recovering from injuries).

My alarm went off this morning at 4:35 and I was tired. It took me longer than usual to shake the sleep away while I was getting ready; I kept stalling, reluctant to walk out the door. I guess I was afraid I would have a bad run but I wouldn’t say the feeling was that defined. I was just hesitant for some reason.

However, I did eventually leave and walked the few blocks to the bike path. It was cooler than it has been recently, around 50 degrees according to the thermometer (I was actually shivering this morning…yay! Fall is here; hopefully to stay). The cool temps woke me up and something changed. Once I took my first steps running, I was no longer hesitant. My attitude and outlook was optimistic. My running felt great – strong and smooth. As I headed toward my hilly route, I just let myself go.

Run at your happy pace, whatever that is.

I ran strong and fast, zooming down the bike path, working without pushing. I didn’t scare off the pace. I didn’t force myself to slow down or tell myself to hold back. I found a perfect balance – pumping up the hills, coasting down the other side and reveling in the flat sections. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation or doubt anywhere in the run.

I wanted to keep going, running on and on in to the coming morning but then I was at the end and it was time to start the rest of the day. It was a dream run and like a dream I’m having trouble coming up with an explanation. It just all felt – right – this morning.

Daily Dozen:
6.79 miles @ my happy pace (which it turns out is a 10:09 average)

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