Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I’m trying hard not to overact…but my foot started to hurt while I was running this morning. Yes, my right foot. Yes, the foot that was injured a few months ago.

Around Mile 1 of the run, my right foot started to hurt; a sharp pain that came on suddenly. However, it quickly turned in to a dull ache that lasted through the start of Mile 2. Over the next mile or two, the dull ache slowly dissipated and my foot felt weak but all I could think about was my foot and being injured and not being able to run the marathon, let alone all the races I have planned along the way…and then, my foot no longer hurt.

I finished my 7 miler without any more pain in my foot (but did have a weird pain in my left hamstring…I swear, sometimes pain migrates, when it doesn’t feel like it is getting my attention in one spot, it’ll move to another). However, the thought of being injured again left me a bit (hopefully, irrationally) freaked and I taped my foot to provide extra support in my work shoes. I also plan on getting back in the habit of wearing my sneakers while I’m home because walking around barefoot doesn’t do my foot any favors.

That being said, my pace was great this morning and I couldn’t be happier about that aspect of the run. The last couple miles of the run felt great; very, very easy.

So fingers crossed everyone….I might take tomorrow off….just in case.

Today’s Daily Dozen
7 mile run

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