Monday, December 29, 2008

Cross-Country Skiing

It's nice to start back on my routine. As I started my run this morning, I was a little disappointed in myself for not having run for an entire week and I began thinking back over the last week and bemoaning the missed opportunities. However, I had to quickly tell myself that this line of thinking was just unfair; after all, I kept busy in other ways. I can't get stuck in the mindset that running is the only form of activity that counts.

While visiting my parents' in Vermont last summer, my Mom off-handedly mentioned that she would like to try cross-country skiing.
I was immediately taken with the idea but it being May there was no snow (even in Vermont) so I had to squirrel away the idea for the coming winter. I arranged for my Mom, Dad, Mike and myself to take a beginner's cross-country ski lesson at the Stowe Mountain Resort the day after Christmas as a present for my Mom.

I've used Hal Higdon's training plans for all my running and he has several articles about cross-country skiing on his website, touting it as an excellent form of cross-training and a great substitute for running in the winter because it is non-impact and similar to running in terms of burning calories. I've been intrigued about this sport for quite some time and was excited to finally give it a try.

The day after Christmas, the four of us headed to Stowe, VT and the base of Mt. Mansfield. We purposely got to the Cross-Country Ski Lodge a bit early so that we could take our time getting our equipment, trying it on and putzing around in the practice yard next to the lodge. As we fumbled around with the skis attached to our feet, slipping on the snow that had been packed down and made slicker than fresh snow by the previous night's rain, we laughed at each other's mishaps and as predicted Mom was the first to fall.

Soon the instructors and another group had joined us out on the practice loop and our lesson had begun. It was easy enough to gain forward motion on the skis but the technique took some time. We practiced skiing without moving, without our poles and finally just dragging out poles along in order to get the correct opposite arm-opposite leg skiing motion. It's funny how putting poles in my hand made that motion so difficult to grasp at first; however, eventually we were all gliding along (if not smoothly and efficiently, we were at least moving forward).

Just as I was getting comfortable with the skis and the poles, the instructor threw in the hills! We had to snow-plow (or "pizza" if you follow South Park) on the way down to fight gravity and slow ourselves down and the herringbone on the way back up in order to get back to the top of the tiny hill. As we got the hang of it, we progressed to a longer hill and finally "graduated" to a steep hill.

I enjoyed the downhill work because you just had to get your legs in the snow-plow position and then hold them there until you got to the end, letting gravity do all the real work but was frustrated by the uphill because my skis were continually hitting each other in the back and getting tangled up. Oddly, this was the exact opposite from Mom, Dad and Mike. Each one struggled to stay upright, let alone, hold the snow-plow position with their skis on the downhill but patiently working their way through the uphill sections.

At the end of the lesson we asked our instructor to suggest an easy beginner trail that we might try since we still had the rental equipment for several more hours. We set off, at the instructor's suggestion, for the Peavey Trail. Evidently my idea of beginner is dramatically different than these people's idea of beginner because we spend more time struggling up the uphills and falling down the downhills (Note: I didn't fall on the downhills, everyone else did…I just couldn't maintain my balance on the flat bits!) than gliding along through the forest enjoying the scenery as I had imagined. This doesn't even take in to account the monstrous hill we had to climb along the power lines just to reach the beginning of the trail!

We made it approximately half to three-quarters of the way on the Peavey Trail as we planned before determining that it was best to turn back. The way back meant more falling for Mike as his legs got tired, some walking the ups and downs while skiing the few flats for Mom and Dad and me tearing it up…but still managing to fall while standing perfectly still waiting for everyone to catch up. We finally made it back to the lodge and ended our cross-country skiing adventure.

Ever since we finished the adventure, even as we complained about the parts we weren't good at all, the parts that caused some pain, I couldn't wait to try it again another day. I've been looking up placed in Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia that I could go and get another fix of cross-country skiing.

Merry Christmas Mom!

Today's Daily Dozen:

4.91 run (26 min. run/1 min. walk x 2 intervals)

Circuit Training @ lunch hour

Here are some other pictures from our Vermont trip:

Me, Mike and the Snow:

Snow Angel by Becki:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Deceptively Active

Today I head back to Virginia on the train, nearly bringing the Christmas season to a close. I've spent the last four days in Vermont at my parents' house for the Christmas holiday. Although I brought my running gear, I'll be honest and admit that I didn't have much hope of actually getting outside to run.

Tuesday and today, Saturday, I will be more slug than active healthy person since they are travel days and I spend more than 12 hours on the train. However, Wednesday through Friday I was deceptively active and even if I didn't run a step it couldn't have been much worse.

Tuesday night and Wednesday I went outside to play in the snow and watched everyone else shovel snow (I did jump in once and shovel some snow). The rest of the day Wednesday I spent introducing the WiiFit to my Mom who was curious about the type of "workout" you could actually get from a video game.

Thursday, Christmas Day, I went for 2.5 mile walk around the snow-covered town of Northfield with my family and took up a great deal of the rest of the day, playing Dance Dance Revolution (DDR). The box states, "It's a great CARDIO workout" and I'm not sure about the "great" part but it definitely beats sitting on my butt watching TV. Plus, it is fun and you don't even realize that your heartrate is increasing and that you're being active and healthy.

The best part of my Christmas vacation came on Friday. As a Christmas present to my Mom, I bought her and the rest of us, a beginner's Cross Country Skiing Lesson in Stowe, VT. I plan on writing more about that later but I will say it was a great way to spend the day and even ended in some (pleasantly) sore muscles.

All in all, the WiiFit was only OK, DDR was a definitely hit and the CCS was an amazing "real" workout and the most fun. I know I more than made up for any of this activity with the cookies and chocolate and Macaroni and Cheese and the Turkey Noodle Soup (Mmmmmm!) that was consumed during my Christmas vacation in VT but I feel good about the decided lack of laziness. I am just going to chalk this week up as a week of Cross Training!

Happy Christmas All!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Treadmill: (Re) Aquainted

A good night's sleep was not on the agenda for me last night. I tossed and turned most of the night and made the decision to skip my run in the morning and get an extra hour of sleep. Surprisingly, I didn't feel terrible this morning while I was getting ready for work so I threw some running clothes in my bag, thinking, if I felt like it I could make up the run during my lunch hour. I felt great about the decision (yes, I will break my inclination toward laziness) even if it didn't pan out.

However, running at lunch would mean running on the treadmill and it's been several months since I've run on the treadmill. When I'm running outside, it doesn't feel like exercise; it feels like a morning cup of tea - comfortable and familiar and an essential way to start my day off on the right foot. On the treadmill, it's different.

When I am running outside I hardly worry about my pace, time, distance or calories burned until I'm done and then I let myself think about those things. Outside, on the bike trails, I am more concerned with the sights and sounds around me, the temperature, the weather, and the way my body is responding as it warms up and I try to find my stride. On the trails, just the idea of being out in nature is enough to occupy my mind and sustain my body to get me through any run. Again, on the treadmill, it's different.

On the treadmill, I can't do anything but focus on time, pace, distance and even calories burned, no matter how many articles I've read about how these things, with the exception of time, can be wildly over- and under-stated on treadmill displays. Listening to music, reading and/or watching TV isn't enough to get me in the zone on a treadmill and I look forward to escaping in to my runs so it has been tough to embrace the treadmill. What's funny is that I started my running life almost solely on the treadmill. With the exception of my weekend long runs, training for my first marathon was done exclusively on a treadmill and then one day, a month after the marathon I got the idea to run home from work. Once I tried running home from work once a week, I started craving outdoor running more and more, always looking for other ways to incorporate it in to my routine.

Eventually, a year or so had gone by and one morning as I headed down to the gym for my morning treadmill run, I turned and went out the door instead. I was nervous on the darkened streets that day but as the sun came up over the office buildings, those nerves turned into excitement. I was giddy the rest of that day and from then on, I scorned the treadmill. I didn't want anything to do with it because it had never made me feel like those first early morning runs outside.

That leads me to today. Since I didn't have room for cold weather gear in my work bag this morning, I either skip my run or run on the treadmill. In the end, the run is always going to win out so I decided to stay focused on the act of running instead of the means by which I would be taking that run. I won't lie and say it was my favorite run. My body isn't used to treadmill running anymore but it was still another successful run. One more run that I had run yesterday.

Today's Daily Dozen:
3.45 mile run (18 mins. run/1 min. walk x 2 intervals) @ lunch hour

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hike: Prince William State Park - Attempt 1

Some times this just don't work out the way they're supposed to work.

We woke up this morning to an overcast day that slowly got sunnier. I did about 45 minutes of WiiFit as I waited for Mike to wake up; mostly the strength training exercises and then 10 minutes of boxing. We planned on hiking today and it was just a matter of choosing where to hike. I was really looking forward to getting outside because the sun was finally shining after so many days of overcast and rain.

We decided to check out the trails at the Prince William State Park, intending to take several different trails to make a loop around the park. Excited about the hike, I got my backpack ready, studied the trail map and ate a good breakfast.

Prince William State Park is about 30 minutes south of DC, down 95 South and as we got closer to the park, the clouds got blacker and thicker. Before too long, small rain droplets began collecting on the windshield and as we pulled off on the exit for the park the drops got bigger. We were a little concerned about the rain but pressed on because we didn't want to be frightened off the hike because of a little rain. However, by the time we got to the visitor center parking lot and got out of the car we noticed that although the rain wasn't heavy it was steady and even worse, it appeared to be hailing!!

As much as I wanted to hike today, I wasn't interested in getting hit with tiny ice pellets so we waved the white flag and promised that we would come back another day. The part that stings is that as we drove back home, the further north we got, the more the sun came out. By the time we pulled in to the garage, it was a bright sunny day. It would have been perfect for a day of hiking. Too bad!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Denying My Laziness

Most of the time I am a morning runner. If running isn't the first thing I do when I wake up, there is only a 50/50 chance I'll have the motivation to run mid-day or even less likely, in the evening.

Running just wasn't going to happen this morning so I vegged out in front of the TV and then we walked to breakfast and the mall so I could get a haircut. I knew I should run but I also know how easy it is for me to find an excuse not get out and hit the roads. I've been trying to break my occasional lazy streak and what better day than today to put my efforts to the test.

After some procrastination, I figured the first step would be to get dressed for running and once I was dressed I would just have to get out for a run. The trick worked; within 10 minutes of getting ready for running, I was running. Three and four tenths of a mile later, another successful run was in the books and I am proud of myself for not wasting the day.

I feel like indulging my lazy desires for the rest of the day but at least I won't feel so bad about it now.

Tomorrow will be a welcomed rest day!

Today's Daily Dozen:
3.39 miles run (16 min. run/1 min. walk x 2 intervals)
(Maybe) Wii Fit later

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Confessions of a Runner

I admit it. I may have over done it...a bit... this morning. I've been feeling good about my running lately and rather than follow the just over 4-mile loop I should have taken for a planned 42-minute run (13 min. run/1 min. walk x 3 intervals), I chose to take a five-mile loop.

I thought to myself, "I'm feeling good. Just go for it. What's the worst that can happen?" Don't answer that...I know that answer and I should know better but good running feels so good. It’s like a drug; I'm constantly looking for ways to extend the high or new ways to reach the high. I rationalized the longer loop thinking that if I wasn't feeling it, I could just walk the last mile and at least it would guarantee more exercise. If I am honest, even as formed the rationalization in my head I knew there was no way I would be walking that last mile, I had zero intention of ever walking that last mile.

As I walked to warm-up/wake up in the chilly morning, I was thankful that the rain had paused and that the temperature wasn't colder (mid-30s). The wind wasn't blowing so once I got started it was a surprisingly comfortable run temperature-wise. I took off running and got into the groove, working out the little aches and pains that pop up but go away just as quickly, assessing my body as it woke up and I found my stride, and I completely ignored the turn I should have taken to make a four-mile loop, stubbornly, sticking to the idea that I needed to go for five. Five miles was my usual easy run before I was injured.

I felt great, my running felt effortless and the intervals were now long enough that I could forget the clock and get lost in my run, which is what I did and almost ran right through the first walking break. By the end of the third interval, I will also admit that my legs were feeling a little tired, in a good way, in the way legs are supposed to feel after a great run. If I had ended the run there, as prescribed by my schedule, it would have been a successful run; nothing to be ashamed of in the distance or pace. I should have felt satisfied...

Then I had to face the reality that I was still a mile from home and I probably shouldn't have been. After a final walk break, my legs were feeling better so I took off running but gave myself permission to walk if I needed to. Long story, short, I made it back to the apartment running the entire rest of the way and I felt good.

In fact, I still feel good about the run a few hours later. My legs are feeling strong and powerful and I'm enthusiastic about the upcoming months and training. I feel like I'm back! Finally! Of course, I could do an extra mile, no big deal. What's five miles when I was going to run just over 4 anyway?

However, this is exactly the line of thinking that got me an overuse injury. I've got to learn from those training mistakes and not make them again. Testing out my abilities and stretching my limits is fine as long as it doesn't become my training norm. Now that I had my ill-disciplined fun this morning, I've got to be extra vigilant that I don't let myself get too carried away with how things are progressing. Friday, I promise, will be the scheduled 3 miles, nice and easy...that's it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Race Anticipation

There is a certain amount of anticipation and excitement that precedes and follows a race registration. I have found this to be especially true for races in the DC Metro area because they are so high profile. Last year, the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler filled up its online registration numbers in 4 hours! Ten thousand runners signed up within four hours of the online registration opening. Incredible!

At 7:50 this morning, I logged on to the race's website and completed my registration for the 2009 race and I'm looking forward to running it with a friend, Katie. I run alone 99% of the time and it is usually early morning so I feel like I have the trails and roads to myself. I could go anywhere and discover anything while I'm out on my daily adventures. I love the solitude and treasure being alone with my thoughts.

However, I tend to get lonely during races. Being in a crowd of thousands of runners without someone to run with makes me lonely but being on a nearly deserted bike trail is soothing. I look forward to running races with someone else but I have so few people in my life who run so those races are always something I look forward to with a sense of eagerness.

One of my favorite races was a 5K I did last December in Dover, DE with my in-laws. My MIL had run a 44 minute 5K the previous summer and was looking to break her time so my FIL and I paced her through it. It was so much to run the race with them and I was so excited for her when she crossed the finish line in 38 minutes!! It was my first 5K and that 38 minute PR stood for several months. I am prouder of those 38 minutes than I am of my current "actual" PR of 26 minutes.

Katie is aiming for a 90 minute 10 miler in April and I hope to be able to pace her to her goal. (Fingers crossed that my pace really has increased and that I won't actually be holding her back!)

Today's Daily Dozen:
Circuit Training in the gym
  • Warm up walking briskly for 3 minutes.
  • Walk easy at a slight incline for 12 minutes
  • Perform one set of lunges - 15 on each leg
  • 15-20 push ups (full or modified on your knees)
  • Walk at a comfortably hard effort level & high incline for 3 minutes
  • Perform one set of Overhead Press & Squat - 15 repetitions
  • Perform one set of 20 Lateral Step-Up with Kick on each leg
  • Walk at a comfortably hard effort level & high incline for 3 minute
  • Perform One Arm Row (or Lat Pull/Row Machine) 8-12 reps
  • Perform one set of Running Planks* - 15 on each side
  • Run 15 minutes at a comfortably hard effort level
2.5 mile walk on the treadmill @ lunch hour

Monday, December 15, 2008

Surprising Paces

Saturday morning's run and this morning's run felt sluggish. Halfway through the run on Saturday, I realized I had forgotten to eat my usual pre-run banana and chalked the sluggish legs up to not having the proper fuel. This morning I was really hoping for something better but I still felt like I was running at a snail's pace.

Before I was forced into a two-month hiatus, I was running my easy, comfortable runs at a 10:30 average. This was an improvement on the 12:00 miles I was running when I first
started out and I was really feeling good about it. Along with a loss of leg endurance and strength and lung power, I was concerned about how my easy, comfortable pace would be
affected. I had mentally prepared myself to be back in the 11:00 to 12:00 range.

The last two runs have had me feeling sluggish and slow but both times when I got home and checked my paces, the running portions have been in the 10:00 to 9:30 range! This morning I
did 11 min. run/1 min. walk x 3 intervals and the 3 running intervals were 10:05, 9:47 and 9:22 respectively, despite the fact that I had convinced myself that I would seeing much slower paces. This increase in pace has been the only pleasant surprise resulting from the injury but it is one I'll take, for sure.

I'm curious to see if this speed holds up as the distances increase from 3 miles to 5 miles as the weeks progress. I think, the increased pace could be the result of taking two months off and allowing not only my injury to heal but also the rest of my body, the walking breaks that I have inserted in to the runs to slowly build back up, or both. I am trying to control my enthusiasm but as I was walking to work this morning I started thinking about aiming for 9:00 miles in my
marathon training this winter/spring.

That would mean a sub-4 hour marathon if I could really do it. I don't know; I'm hesitant to get excited but seeing my pace in the single digits is something I usually only saw in shorter races. If the past runs have been hard and I've still maintained a faster pace, just imagine how it'll feel cruising along at a 10:00 to 9:30 pace when I'm feeling relaxed.

Today's Daily Dozen:
3.55 mile run (11 min. run/1 min walk x 3 intervals)
1 hour walk @ lunchhour

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Roller Coaster Run

I didn't sleep well at all last night. I must have woken up every other hour – check the clock or look at my watch, roll over, try to get back to sleep, get up, go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, "ugh, I'm so dehydrated," lay back down, fall asleep, repeat in two hours. I have one of these nights every so often and it is never a good sign for the following morning's run.

I was up at 5 and this time couldn't get to sleep so I stared at the ceiling for a half hour before giving up, turning my alarm off and getting out of bed. The lack of quality sleep usually means my run will be, at best, OK (if I'm lucky) and this morning's run proved to be a roller coaster ride.

I was still feeling dehydrated as I got dressed so I chugged some water and ate my banana. I glanced at the thermometer display and it read 55 degrees. I switched to a lighter hat and abandoned my top layer before stepping out the door into the very slight drizzle.

Running in the rain it usually a great deal of fun, so I quickly decided to put the horrible night of sleep behind me and embrace the beautiful running weather (yes, in running, dark, rainy and in the 50s is damn near perfect). As I got into my rhythm, I was feeling great and I decided to take the slightly longer "short run" route that incorporates more hills, up and down.

Everything was going well, I even powered up the one giant hill and got to the top barely out of breath and just kept on going as if the incline had never happened. Shortly after conquering that hill and feeling better than ever before at the top, my Garmin beeped and it was time for a rest interval (today's run was at a 6 min. run/1 min. walk x 5 intervals). I walk for a minute. I run…

…and everything starts to go downhill quickly. That last six minutes of running was awful. My legs felt like lead, my breathing started to get heavier, and my right hamstring started tightening up. I had to start talking myself in to running – just to the next light pole, now to the street, just keep going until that car passes, now you've only got 3 minutes left, you can do 3 minutes, 3 minutes is easy, come on, a quarter of a mile, not a problem, just keep going, its almost over, I want to stop, just keep going… What was going on?

Obviously, it was the lack of sleep mixed with the dehydration (and charging up that hill certainly didn't help matters) that caused me to crash but it is always a hard pill to swallow when it hits so suddenly after such a high note. I end up finishing the run and when I got home, started stretching, got some more water and food in me, I felt fine.

I'm paying attention to my water consumption today and I'll be keeping an eye on my hamstring to make sure it isn't anything serious; however, I still enjoyed the run this morning…I'm just going to block out the last six minutes!

Today's Daily Dozen:
3.34 mile run (6 mins. run/1 min walk x 5)
Core Workout @ lunch hour

Monday, December 8, 2008

Run on a Cold, Winter Morning

I was practically gliding over the streets this morning. My stride felt effortless, breathing was steady and strong, and feet were light and quick. About halfway through this morning's run, I realized that I should be more thankful for rest days because when I actually rest when I'm scheduled to rest, my run the following day is usually a good one. (Obvious, yes…Does that mean I always remember it, no).

As I ran through the dark streets of my neighborhood, I was thankful to be able to run once again. I missed being outside before the sun came up, silently slipping through neighborhoods, exploring under the cover darkness. There is a whole different world going on before the sun illuminates the world. I share the trails and streets not only with a (very) few runners, cyclists and dog walkers but also with the people who deliver the newspapers papers, the street cleaners and the men making bread deliveries to the restaurants.

I feel almost conspiratorial because I'm one of a few people who are experiencing this time of day in this way. The day is still asleep and so are most of the people. Those who are awake are mostly on their way to work. How many of them are exhilarated with what they are doing at that exact moment?

I'm running with a secret and as much I love to run, I'm not so sure I want to share these mornings with too many other runners. Everyone else can stick to the treadmills and gyms on their lunch hour or evening runs. I want to keep the morning run for my own. More people try to join this clandestine running movement during the spring and summer when the weather is warmer and the sun comes up earlier but as fall turns to winter they rarely stick around.

They're missing the cold, raw winter mornings when running fast isn't just a desire but a necessity for generating warmth. Do they know how satisfying it is to run, not because of perfect conditions, but in spite of them?

Today's Daily Dozen:

Run - 3.05 miles (5 min. run/1 min. walk x 7 intervals)

1 hour walk @ lunch hour

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday Rest Day

Today was a rest day and with the wind blowing as hard as it was, thank goodness for that!

I despise running in the wind especially in the winter when it always seems to kick up after I've worked up a good sweat, freezing me to the bone. The only long run I've ever quit on was supposed to be an 18 miler last February. I hit the bike trail along the Potomac River just as the cold wind picked up and with 11 miles of sweat clinging to me, I got a feel for what real cold can do to me. After 3 miles of toughing it out, the thought of finishing the run was too much and just as I started shivering I had to stop and jump on the metro. For shame...

The memory of that run is the reason I was glad to have a rest day today.

However, I did do both yoga and strength training with the Wii Fit and spent much of the day cleaning and straightening up the apartment. Before dinner, we took a walk around the neighborhood as the pot roast cooked in the slow cooker. All in all, a relatively active day for a rest day.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hike: Raven Rocks Trail

I stumbled on to a great website this past week - HikingUpward - and found a hike called Raven Rocks that looked like fun. We debated whether the elevation changes (3 steep ascents and descents along the way) would be too strenuous. I'm so glad we decided to face the challenge because this hike was worth it.

We drive a bit over an hour west of DC to get to the trail head in the Blue Ridge Mountains. As we started along the trail, which is really just a section of the Appalachian Trail, and followed the white blazes, I realized that this was actually the first time I've hiked on the AT! I've been sporadically and slightly obsessed with the AT since I read a book by a thru-hiker last year. I don't know if I would ever have the courage to put my life on hold and attempt a thru-hike but I think about doing it and I enjoy reading about people who have done it.

Anyway, I was excited to be on the AT as we made our way along the trail. It was a cold, cloudy day but I quickly warmed up as we hit the first of three ascents. At the top was a nice little overlook that gave us an excuse to stop and catch our breath. The trail was a fun hike because their were plenty of big rocks to navigate, rolling terrain and switchbacks. It was an active hike, which I enjoy.

After catching our breath, we continued on the trail, shortly hitting the steepest ascent. I enjoy hills in hiking and in running. The inclines and declines use different muscles than flat terrain and even when the leg muscles are burning and the lunges are working in overdrive, it feels good to get the blood pumping and I love that feeling of accomplishment once I've reached the top. Not one to shy away from an incline, this trail would test that enjoyment several times but I have a motto - "Steady Forward Motion." Just keep moving until you reach the top otherwise you'll still have more uphill to tackle once you've rested.

Breathless and bounding from rock to rock, we made it to Raven Rocks, a 2.7 mile hike, in approximately one hour ten minutes. Looking out over the Shenandoah Valley toward the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance, even on an overcast day, made for an impressive sight. Despite the view, we didn't linger for very long at the top because a cold wind was blowing. We quickly headed back down the AT the way we came.
Near the top, the trail dips into West Virginia and had a sign to mark the border. After leaving Raven Rocks to head back, we noticed the other side of the sign -- Welcome to Virginia...Tennessee Border 535 miles!!!!

One of the things I enjoy about hiking, especially with Mike, are the topics of conversation and the return trip would not disappoint. We tried to figure out why some of the trees were charred (lightening, maybe?), whether trees make a sound when they fall in the woods and we aren't around to hear them and whether or not that proved I was a schizophrenic (I hope not).

With this conversation, our return trip seemed to fly and we made it back to the car in just over an hour. The trail to Raven Rocks and back was a strenuous but fun trail and it gets 5 stars in my book. It'll be fun to go back during the spring and summer to see how different it is with the streams running and the sun shining through the leaves.

Today's Daily Dozen:
Run - 3.96 miles, 4 min. run/1 min. walk x 7 intervals
5.5 miles hike - strenuous

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Perfect Strangers

Now that I am starting my runs an hour later in the morning, I no longer catch the trash truck emptying park trash cans and I sort of miss it. I remember the first morning I ran by the park, it was pitch-black and from the other side of the block, I see huge truck headlights drive through the parking lot and right into the park, right up on the grass. The headlights stopped for a short time, 30 seconds at most, I heard some men talking briefly, and then the truck took off...towards the sidewalk I was running on. The truck bumped back on to the street and it took off in the other direction.

Needless to say, I was confused and a might concerned. That morning's run went by quick as all sorts of visions, conspiracy theories and strange explanations went through my mind When I saw them again the next morning, the conspiracy theories grew until I caught a better look at the truck and realized it was a county sanitation truck. I felt a little goofy but I got a good laugh out of it and every time I happened to time my morning run right and caught them in the park, I couldn't help but smile.

I used to see the same runners every morning, particularly an older gentleman in a white singlet and white hat. We would nod good morning as we passed one another - him finishing his
run, me just starting mine. There were the two women out walking, chatting away as they huffed and puffed up and down the hills. I miss the cyclist who would shade his bike lamp with his hand when we he saw me coming, making the rest of the cyclists seem rude for not making the same consideration.

As I began my run this morning, 3 min. run/1 min. walk x 9 intervals, I thought about this cast of regulars that had become a part of my routine. I'm curious, are they still going about their routines now that it is getting colder? Are they making progress - getting faster, going longer, losing weight? Have they noticed my absense from the trails in the past two months? Do they wonder what happened to me?

As I passed runners, dog-walkers and cyclists this morning, I speculated about which ones would become a regular part of my new running routine. Which of these strangers will I come to
depend on seeing each morning?

Today's Daily Dozen:
3.37 mile run
Core Workout @ lunch hour

Monday, December 1, 2008

Once (Again) A Runner

I was a bit apprehensive as I pulled on my running tights and vest this morning. Is it possible for someone to forget how to run?

As I headed out the door into the cold, dark morning, I was struck by the fact that the last time I headed out for a run before work, I was in shorts and a T-shirt and now, two months later, I'm in tights, a short sleeve short, a long sleeve shrit, a puffy vest, beanie and gloves. The last time I headed out for an early morning run I did 9 miles with ease and here I was, nervous about 30 minutes!

I told myself to put aside those negative thoughts and set my Garmin to an Interval workout - 2 minutes of running, 1 minute of rest, 10 times. I walked the familiar route to my usual starting point for a 3-miler and the routine of it comforted me. Of course I would be able to do this run, I've done it a million times before.

And then, I ran. Two minutes on, 1 minute off. I ran. I walked. I repeated. The running felt harder than I remember it; my breathing was heavier and my legs didn't feel as light but my foot, or any other body part, never protested.

As I got in to the rhythm of running and walking, it struck me that 2 months ago I was working at a previous job and woke up to run an hour earlier than I did this morning. This morning the traffic was louder, there were more people out and about, and it didn't seem as still and calm at 6 o'clock than I remember it at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Then, the run was over. 10 run/walk intervals went by quickly and I felt relief as I cooled-down on the walk home. My apprehension and nerves seemed a little silly but I am happy to be a runner again.

Today's Daily Dozen:
2.75 miles - run/walk
Strength Training workout @ lunch hour
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