Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hike: Prince William State Park - Attempt 1

Some times this just don't work out the way they're supposed to work.

We woke up this morning to an overcast day that slowly got sunnier. I did about 45 minutes of WiiFit as I waited for Mike to wake up; mostly the strength training exercises and then 10 minutes of boxing. We planned on hiking today and it was just a matter of choosing where to hike. I was really looking forward to getting outside because the sun was finally shining after so many days of overcast and rain.

We decided to check out the trails at the Prince William State Park, intending to take several different trails to make a loop around the park. Excited about the hike, I got my backpack ready, studied the trail map and ate a good breakfast.

Prince William State Park is about 30 minutes south of DC, down 95 South and as we got closer to the park, the clouds got blacker and thicker. Before too long, small rain droplets began collecting on the windshield and as we pulled off on the exit for the park the drops got bigger. We were a little concerned about the rain but pressed on because we didn't want to be frightened off the hike because of a little rain. However, by the time we got to the visitor center parking lot and got out of the car we noticed that although the rain wasn't heavy it was steady and even worse, it appeared to be hailing!!

As much as I wanted to hike today, I wasn't interested in getting hit with tiny ice pellets so we waved the white flag and promised that we would come back another day. The part that stings is that as we drove back home, the further north we got, the more the sun came out. By the time we pulled in to the garage, it was a bright sunny day. It would have been perfect for a day of hiking. Too bad!!

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